68 research outputs found

    Superconducting nanowire photon number resolving detector at telecom wavelength

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    The optical-to-electrical conversion, which is the basis of optical detectors, can be linear or nonlinear. When high sensitivities are needed single-photon detectors (SPDs) are used, which operate in a strongly nonlinear mode, their response being independent of the photon number. Nevertheless, photon-number resolving (PNR) detectors are needed, particularly in quantum optics, where n-photon states are routinely produced. In quantum communication, the PNR functionality is key to many protocols for establishing, swapping and measuring entanglement, and can be used to detect photon-number-splitting attacks. A linear detector with single-photon sensitivity can also be used for measuring a temporal waveform at extremely low light levels, e.g. in long-distance optical communications, fluorescence spectroscopy, optical time-domain reflectometry. We demonstrate here a PNR detector based on parallel superconducting nanowires and capable of counting up to 4 photons at telecommunication wavelengths, with ultralow dark count rate and high counting frequency

    Damagnetization cooling of a gas

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    We demonstrate demagnetization cooling of a gas of ultracold 52^{52}Cr atoms. Demagnetization is driven by inelastic dipolar collisions which couple the motional degrees of freedom to the spin degree. By that kinetic energy is converted into magnetic work with a consequent temperature reduction of the gas. Optical pumping is used to magnetize the system and drive continuous demagnetization cooling. Applying this technique, we can increase the phase space density of our sample by one order of magnitude, with nearly no atom loss. This method can be in principle extended to every dipolar system and could be used to achieve quantum degeneracy via optical means.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    A Single-Photon Imager Based on Microwave Plasmonic Superconducting Nanowire

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    Detecting spatial and temporal information of individual photons by using single-photon-detector (SPD) arrays is critical to applications in spectroscopy, communication, biological imaging, astronomical observation, and quantum-information processing. Among the current SPDs1,detectors based on superconducting nanowires have outstanding performance2, but are limited in their ability to be integrated into large scale arrays due to the engineering difficulty of high-bandwidth cryogenic electronic readout3-8. Here, we address this problem by demonstrating a scalable single-photon imager using a single continuous photon-sensitive superconducting nanowire microwave-plasmon transmission line. By appropriately designing the nanowire's local electromagnetic environment so that the nanowire guides microwave plasmons, the propagating voltages signals generated by a photon-detection event were slowed down to ~ 2% of the speed of light. As a result, the time difference between arrivals of the signals at the two ends of the nanowire naturally encoded the position and time of absorption of the photon. Thus, with only two readout lines, we demonstrated that a 19.7-mm-long nanowire meandered across an area of 286 {\mu}m * 193 {\mu}m was capable of resolving ~590 effective pixels while simultaneously recording the arrival times of photons with a temporal resolution of 50 ps. The nanowire imager presents a scalable approach to realizing high-resolution photon imaging in time and space

    High Speed and High Efficiency Travelling Wave Single-Photon Detectors Embedded in Nanophotonic Circuits

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    Ultrafast, high quantum efficiency single photon detectors are among the most sought-after elements in modern quantum optics and quantum communication. High photon detection efficiency is essential for scalable measurement-based quantum computation, quantum key distribution, and loophole-free Bell experiments. However, imperfect modal matching and finite photon absorption rates have usually limited the maximum attainable detection efficiency of single photon detectors. Here we demonstrate a superconducting nanowire detector atop nanophotonic waveguides which allows us to drastically increase the absorption length for incoming photons. When operating the detectors close to the critical current we achieve high on-chip single photon detection efficiency up to 91% at telecom wavelengths, with uncertainty dictated by the variation of the waveguide photon flux. We also observe remarkably low dark count rates without significant compromise of detection efficiency. Furthermore, our detectors are fully embedded in a scalable silicon photonic circuit and provide ultrashort timing jitter of 18ps. Exploiting this high temporal resolution we demonstrate ballistic photon transport in silicon ring resonators. The direct implementation of such a detector with high quantum efficiency, high detection speed and low jitter time on chip overcomes a major barrier in integrated quantum photonics

    Dynamical decoupling and noise spectroscopy with a superconducting flux qubit

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    The characterization and mitigation of decoherence in natural and artificial two-level systems (qubits) is fundamental to quantum information science and its applications. Decoherence of a quantum superposition state arises from the interaction between the constituent system and the uncontrolled degrees of freedom in its environment. Within the standard Bloch-Redfield picture of two-level system dynamics, qubit decoherence is characterized by two rates: a longitudinal relaxation rate Gamma1 due to the exchange of energy with the environment, and a transverse relaxation rate Gamma2 = Gamma1/2 + Gamma_phi which contains the pure dephasing rate Gamma_phi. Irreversible energy relaxation can only be mitigated by reducing the amount of environmental noise, reducing the qubit's internal sensitivity to that noise, or through multi-qubit encoding and error correction protocols (which already presume ultra-low error rates). In contrast, dephasing is in principle reversible and can be refocused dynamically through the application of coherent control pulse methods. In this work we demonstrate how dynamical-decoupling techniques can moderate the dephasing effects of low-frequency noise on a superconducting qubit with energy-relaxation time T1 = 1/Gamma1 = 12 us. Using the CPMG sequence with up to 200 pi-pulses, we demonstrate a 50-fold improvement in the transverse relaxation time T2 over its baseline value. We observe relaxation-limited times T2(CPMG) = 23 us = 2 T1 resulting from CPMG-mediated Gaussian pure-dephasing times in apparent excess of 100 us. We leverage the filtering property of this sequence in conjunction with Rabi and energy relaxation measurements to facilitate the spectroscopy and reconstruction of the environmental noise power spectral density.Comment: 21 pages (incl. 11-page appendix); 4 (+7) figure

    Effects of climate and land-use changes on fish catches across lakes at a global scale

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    Globally, our knowledge on lake fisheries is still limited despite their importance to food security and livelihoods. Here we show that fish catches can respond either positively or negatively to climate and land-use changes, by analyzing time-series data (1970–2014) for 31 lakes across five continents. We find that effects of a climate or land-use driver (e.g., air temperature) on lake environment could be relatively consistent in directions, but consequential changes in a lake-environmental factor (e.g., water temperature) could result in either increases or decreases in fish catch in a given lake. A subsequent correlation analysis indicates that reductions in fish catch was less likely to occur in response to potential climate and land-use changes if a lake is located in a region with greater access to clean water. This finding suggests that adequate investments for water-quality protection and water-use efficiency can provide additional benefits to lake fisheries and food security

    Superconducting single photon detectors integrated with diamond nanophotonic circuits

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    Photonic quantum technologies promise to repeat the success of integrated nanophotonic circuits in non-classical applications. Using linear optical elements, quantum optical computations can be performed with integrated optical circuits and thus allow for overcoming existing limitations in terms of scalability. Besides passive optical devices for realizing photonic quantum gates, active elements such as single photon sources and single photon detectors are essential ingredients for future optical quantum circuits. Material systems which allow for the monolithic integration of all components are particularly attractive, including III-V semiconductors, silicon and also diamond. Here we demonstrate nanophotonic integrated circuits made from high quality polycrystalline diamond thin films in combination with on-chip single photon detectors. Using superconducting nanowires coupled evanescently to travelling waves we achieve high detection efficiencies up to 66 % combined with low dark count rates and timing resolution of 190 ps. Our devices are fully scalable and hold promise for functional diamond photonic quantum devices.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    Intracellular lumen extension requires ERM-1-dependent apical membrane expansion and AQP-8-mediated flux

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    SUMMARY Many unicellular tubes such as capillaries form lumens intracellularly, a process that is not well understood. Here we show that the cortical membrane organizer ERM-1 is required to expand the intracellular apical/lumenal membrane and its actin undercoat during single-cell C.elegans excretory canal morphogenesis. We characterize AQP-8, identified in an ERM-1 overexpression (ERM-1[++]) suppressor screen, as a canalicular aquaporin that interacts with ERM-1 in lumen extension in a mercury-sensitive manner, implicating water-channel activity. AQP-8 is transiently recruited to the lumen by ERM-1, co-localizing in peri-lumenal cuffs interspaced along expanding canals. An ERM-1[++]-mediated increase in the number of lumen-associated canaliculi is reversed by AQP-8 depletion. We propose that the ERM-1-AQP-8 interaction propels lumen extension by translumenal flux, suggesting a direct morphogenetic effect of water-channel-regulated fluid pressure

    Analysis and Suggestions for Business Model of eBayEachnet

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    EBAY易趣网和淘宝网是目前中国电子商务中经常被提及的两个对手。2002年时,EBAY易趣曾经一枝独秀,但在淘宝网和拍拍网的竞争下,迅速丧失市场领先地位,市场份额逐步缩小,并终于与TOM集团有限公司下属的TOM在线成立了合营公司。 本文主要运用翁君奕教授的《商业模式创新》理论,以合营公司的成立为研究截止时间,尝试揭示、分析、解释EBAY易趣商务模式针对中国大陆市场而言存在的不足之处,并提出实现转机的若干建议。全文共分五章,分别如下: 第一章主要介绍论文写作的背景和研究意义所在,以及研究理论和框架。 第二章针对EBAY易趣商务模式,按照商业模式创新理论的层次,从商务模式环境、商务模式要素、...eBayEachnet and Taobao are main competitors in China’s E-commerce. eBayEachnet just took the lead in as earlier as year 2002, however, it was overwhelmed by Taobao and Paipai gradually, the leading was lost and the share market diminished very soon, as a result, it incorporated with Tom Online, a filial of Tom group limited company.Bearing in mind the theory of <Business Models Innovatio...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20041523